Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - April 19, 2012

Varsity is the free Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics, covering Badgers football, basketball, hockey and more each week.

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THIS WEEK IN BADGER HISTORY Jerry Wunsch played for Tampa Bay from 1997-2001 before finishing his career with Seattle. April 20, 1997 Geting the call Wisconsin continued its NFL draft history with three players getting a call over weekend. Jerry Wunsch (Tampa Bay, second round), Pete Monty (New York Giants, fourth round) and Tarek Saleh (Carolina, fourth round) all etched their names into the Badger history books. April 18, 1957 TRIPLE THREAT: John DeMerit, of the baseball team, posted three triples in one game against Arizona State. ALSO THIS WEEK April 20, 1996 GOING THE DISTANCE: The softball team won its first extra-inning game, beating Northwestern 5-4 in 10 innings. April 21, 1996 FINISHING WITH A WIN: The men's tennis team closed out its dual match season with a win over Ohio State, 5-2, in Columbus, Ohio. Badger seniors Malcolm Thorne and Jason Zuckerman both earned wins for the UW in their last regular season Big Ten matches. 48 ยป VARSITY APRIL 19, 2012

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