Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - April 19, 2012

Varsity is the free Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics, covering Badgers football, basketball, hockey and more each week.

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'' BADGERS Ask The 18 » VARSITY APRIL 19, 2012 Which award are you most proud of winning? Question of the Week: MONTEE BALL • SENIOR • FOOTBALL "Honestly, the award I'm most proud of was being named team MVP last season. Being named the most valuable player on the team says a lot about what I try to do for the team, because I'm trying to be a playmaker and also a leader. For my team- mates to give me that honor means a lot." STEFANIE MCKEOUGH • JUNIOR • WOMEN'S HOCKEY "The award I am most proud of winning is the national championship. Although it's always a proud moment when you are recognized for your achievements, the awards always feel much more satisfying when the team is successful. The indi- vidual successes are nothing without the teammates and coaches around you who made it possible to win an award." JAPHETH CATO • SOPHOMORE • MEN'S TRACK & FIELD "I'm proud of several awards, like Big Ten Athlete of the Year and my All-America award, but I'm most proud of breaking the all-time Big Ten record for the heptath- lon. I actually did it twice this year and I did it by achieving one of my goals, which was scoring over 6,000 points at the NCAA championships. Even though it's not an award, it's something that no one can take away from me." HANNAH BERNER • JUNIOR • WOMEN'S TENNIS "The first award I can remember receiving was the Hustler Award. When I was 10 years old I went to a tennis academy for a family vacation and there were at least 100 kids in the program. They announced in the beginning that the kid who worked the hardest would win the award. At the end of the week, I won the award and it gave me the belief that I have the discipline and determination to be a great tennis player one day."

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