Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - April 19, 2012

Varsity is the free Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics, covering Badgers football, basketball, hockey and more each week.

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CONTENTS APRIL 19, 2012 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 37 22 44 » TO EACH HIS OWN While they're all in the same boat as first-year assistant coaches at Wisconsin, the six newcom- ers to the Badgers' staff each face unique challenges as they make the transition. 34 DEPARTMENTS » GOING ON TRIALS The Olympic dreams of sev- eral athletes led to a difficult collegiate season for the UW wrestling team, and the Badgers hope it pays off at this weekend's USA Olympic Trials. 8 LUCAS AT LARGE by Mike Lucas 10 BEHIND THE DESK by Barry Alvarez 12 THE VOICE by Matt Lepay 14 BY THE NUMBERS Facts and Figures on UW 16 ASK THE BADGERS Question of the Week » SOFTBALL SURGE Truly complete play has the Badgers riding high as they hit the stretch run of the Big Ten season and prepare to host Penn State this weekend at Goodman Diamond. 20 BADGERING... Cody Rissman 44 INSIDE SPORTS 48 THIS WEEK IN HISTORY Badgers feeling the draft

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