Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - December 19, 2013

Varsity is the free Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics, covering Badgers football, basketball, hockey and more each week.

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CONTENTS # DECEMBER 19, 2013 // VOLUME 4, ISSUE 20 FEELING THE IMPACT For opponents, it's the big hits he delivers on the field. For many around Madison, Chris Borland's work is more subtle, but that doesn't mean his off-field efforts are any less impactful. # BASKING IN THE GLOW With an All-American leading the way, the Badgers are playing their best volleyball of the season as they prepare to take the sport's biggest stage. BADGERS GIVE BACK # An in-depth look at how UW student-athletes are generous with their time and talents in working to give back to Badgers fans and the Madison area community. DEPARTMENTS # # # # # LUCAS AT LARGE by Mike Lucas BEHIND THE DESK by Barry Alvarez THE VOICE by Matt Lepay BY THE NUMBERS Facts and figures on UW 5 THINGS TO WATCH Catch the Badgers on TV and the web # # # ASK THE BADGERS # THIS WEEK IN HISTORY Favorite service activities BADGERING Ryan Taylor INSIDE SPORTS Football, Basketball, Hockey Gary's the guy 7

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