Badgers' new training T
he University of Wis- consin Athletics Depart-
ment held the official dedi- cation and grand opening for the UW Golf Training Center last Friday. Attendees at the event included donors to the project and special guests. The Golf Training Cen- ter, located at the Univer- sity Ridge Golf Course, was made possible in large part due to the generous lead gift provided by former Wiscon- sin golfer Bob Bruce. Bruce,
a 1953 Wiscon-
sin graduate and two-year member of the golf team, has been a longtime supporter and ambassador for UW-
64 ยป VARSITY NOVEMBER 22, 2012
center opens at U Ridge $2.8 million facility an all-season asset
Madison. The highlights of the
11,600 square-foot all-sea- son training center include locker room space for both the men's and women's golf teams, a team meet- ing and study room, a team room showcasing UW's golf legacy, multiple heated hit- ting bays available for year- round training, state-of-the- art video capability for swing analysis, a putting lab and a large chipping and putting area.
Attendees at the dedica- tion heard remarks from Bruce, UW Director of Ath- letics Barry Alvarez and Wis-
"This facility will have a major im- pact on our golf pro- grams in the areas of recruiting and service to our stu- dent-athletes,'' Barry Alvarez said.
consin golf coaches Mike Burcin and Todd Oehrlein. Alvarez thanked all the donors
who contributed to the project and addressed how the facility will im- pact the golf programs, saying, "This facility will have a major impact on our golf programs in the areas of re- cruiting and service to our student- athletes. For the first time in our pro- gram's history, our golfers will have locker room space and their own climate-controlled facility to practice year round."