UVA School of Medicine

Vitals Fall 2017

University of Virginia School of Medicine Vitals magazine published by the UVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation (MAA MSF)

Issue link: https://catalog.e-digitaleditions.com/i/893245

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nonprofit organization U.s. Postage P A i d charlottesville, VA Permit no. 263 get SociAl instagram.com/uvamedalum uvAMedAlum.org/Linkedin facebook.com/uvamedalum Twitter.com/uvamedalum youTube.com/uvamedalum MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEDICAL SCHOOL FOUNDATION PO Box 800776 Charlottesville, Va 22908-0776 february 16-17, 2018 lansdowne Resort and Spa leesburg, Va. 2018 winter retreat 2018 winter retreat Make plans now to join us for our 2018 Winter retreAt! this event, formerly known as the Annual Meeting, is a new biennial tradition that blends the best of the former format with new opportunities to learn, relax and celebrate along with fellow alumni, students, housestaff and faculty of the UVA School of Medicine. Registration will begin in November. To make hotel reservations now or for more information, visit UVAMedAlum.org/winter-retreat. Join us for the UVA Medical Alumni Association's

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