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upcoming reunions:
Classes ending in 2 and 7: April 28-30, 2017
Classes ending in 3 and 8: April 27-29, 2018
Classes ending in 4 and 9: April 26-28, 2019
save the date • Medical School reunion Weekend
Medical School Reunion Weekend is a great opportunity to get
together with your classmates in Charlottesville, and it only
comes along every five years. Be sure to save the date now and
plan to attend!
PO Box 800776
Charlottesville, Va 22908-0776
–James R. Banks, MD '77
R e g i s t r a t i o n f o r y o u r r e u n i o n w i l l b e g i n i n J a n u a r y o f t h a t y e a r.
To l e a r n m o r e , v i s i t U V A M e d A l u m . o r g / r e u n i o n .
"If you come once, you will choose to
never miss another. I'm serious."