University of Virginia School of Medicine Vitals magazine published by the UVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation (MAA MSF)
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Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation Executive Director Associate Dean for Medical Alumni Affairs Barry J. Collins Associate Director Linda Weldon Executive Assistant Harsha Solanki Associate Director for Marketing and Communications Liz C. Taylor Director for Constituent Relations Sarah Brown Rothschild Associate Director for Constituent Relations Aimee Carter Constituent Relations Associate Andrea Wasiewski Constituent Relations Assistant Iris Hosey Luck Vitals Managing Editor Liz C. Taylor Contributors Josh Barney, Linda J. Kobert, Brian Murphy, UVA Health System Marketing Photography Sarah Brown Rothschild, Jackson Smith, Coe Sweet, Liz C. Taylor , UVA Health System Marketing Cover Jackson Smith Volunteer Editor Leah Gibbs Design © Anne Hilton Vitals is produced twice annually, in the spring and fall, by the University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation. Deadline for submissions for the Fall 2016 issue is August 14, 2016. The MAA/MSF reserves the right to edit all submissions for length and content. Please send submissions and other correspondence to: Managing Editor Vitals University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation PO Box 800776 Health System Charlottesville, VA 22908-0776 434-924-1734 medalum @ ©2016 University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association Medical School Foundation On the Cover Karen Rheuban, MD, has directed UVA's Center for Telehealth for the past 20 years. Photo by Jackson Smith fromthedean I did not plan on becoming a Wahoo and yet, somehow, it seemed inevitable. Years ago, be- fore he became the executive vice president for health affairs at UVa, Dr. Richard shannon was at the University of Pennsylvania. He approached me about a position, but i declined. i was too happy at indiana. Fast forward to 2015. i was still happy and still at indiana. Regardless, i was asked to look at the UVa school of Medicine Dean position and Rick's name came up again. i saw what he and Medical Center CEO Pamela sutton-Wallace—who has an incredible reputation—were doing here. i became interested. they were taking the necessary steps to better the partnership between the school and the hospital and, in doing so, were creating a true academic medical center. add to that UVa's stellar reputation, and i found myself getting very interested. By the end of the third round of interviews, i knew UVa was where i needed to be. it's where i had to be. i couldn't NOt come here. since my arrival last september we have developed new research themes (organ transplant, precision medicine, metabolic disorders, and regenerative medicine), embarked on a strategic hiring initiative (recruiting physician-scientists), and are undergoing system-wide space planning with the hospital. it's been a great six months. Earlier i mentioned UVa's reputation. in this issue, you'll read two features that prove the point. the Center for telemedicine is taking UVa expertise to patients wherever they are. Our team is making the patient—not the hospital—the center of our efforts. You will also read a story about the shortage of geriatricians, and how UVa is helping fill that gap with a fellowship and a required geriatrics clerkship. UVa's reputation is reinforced by efforts such as these. Everyone wants to make a difference, and our alumni make an incredible difference in our students' lives. On page 28, you will find the annual impact statement, showing how contributions to the annual Fund change the lives of today's students. it is a point of pride for me that 75 percent of our alumni have made a gift to UVa in their lifetime. as dean, i can say this assistance is vital in attracting and training the best future physicians. thank you for making today great and ensuring that tomorrow will be even better. i was privileged to meet many alumni at the Medical alumni association's 50th annual Meet- ing this winter and i look forward to more events in which we can interact. thank you for your continued interest in the school of Medicine, our faculty, our students, and our research. While i did not plan on becoming an orange-and-blue tie- wearing Wahoo, i am incredibly honored to be the 16th UVa school of Medicine Dean. David s. Wilkes, MD Dean, UVa school of Medicine James Carroll Flippin Professor of Medical science It is a point of pride for me that 75 percent of our alumni have made a gift to UVA in their lifetime. I can say this assistance is vital in attracting and training the best future physicians.