Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - April 26, 2012

Varsity is the free Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics, covering Badgers football, basketball, hockey and more each week.

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'' BADGERS Ask The 16 » VARSITY APRIL 26, 2012 How would you spend a day off with no obligations? Question of the Week: MATT PAAPE • FRESHMAN • MEN'S HOCKEY "I wouldn't mind playing a round of golf on some nice golf course. Somewhere warm, somewhere famous. Maybe at Augusta where The Masters is played. I'm not the greatest golfer. Average. A little over par. Just enjoy it and make it a a relaxing time." AMY SLESAR • JUNIOR • WOMEN'S ROWING "My ideal day off would definitely be the perfect summer day. It would involve sleeping in and being outside. I'd probably go to the (Memorial Union) Terrace, go swimming, lay in the sun, have a cookout and be with friends." THOMAS O'BRYAN • FRESHMAN • MEN'S GOLF "If I had a day off with no restrictions, I would play football with some of my friends, run out to Picnic Point, go to Chipotle, and go bowling at Union South but, as long as I was with some of my friends, it would be a great day." MONIKA STITSKI • SENIOR • WOMEN'S SWIMMING "If I could do anything on a day off, I would make sure I sleep in, watch some television and go boating with some wakeboarding or waterskiing. Make sure it's a relaxing, but fun, day with friends and family."

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