UVA School of Medicine

Vitals Spring 2015

University of Virginia School of Medicine Vitals magazine published by the UVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation (MAA MSF)

Issue link: https://catalog.e-digitaleditions.com/i/498406

Contents of this Issue


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Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage P A I D Charlottesville, VA Permit No. 263 PO Box 800776 Health system Charlottesville, Va 22908-0776 S tAy c o n n e c t e D your uVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School foundation Online No matter whether you're a student, alumnus, current or former housestaff, or faculty member, uVAMedAlum.org is the place for you. Keep up-to-date on what's happening with our events calendar, and get the latest news from the School of Medicine and uVA Health System. Plus, our site is mobile-optimized so you can get the news you need on the go. Join the university of Virginia Medical Alumni group on LinkedIn for professional networking with colleagues from the School of Medicine. Our group is growing larger every day. This means more meaningful connections in a secure, private group available only to School of Medicine alumni and housestaff. UVAMedAlum.org UVAMedAlum.org/LinkedIn Be sure to "like" the uVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School foundation on facebook. This is a great place to connect socially with classmates and network with fellow medical alumni. Plus, we'll keep you in the loop on the latest news from the School of Medicine, as well as our upcoming events. Facebook.com/UVAMedAlum follow us for news about the university of Virginia School of Medicine, alumni and faculty achievements, medical discoveries and more. Twitter.com/uvamedalum

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