University of Virginia School of Medicine Vitals magazine published by the UVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation (MAA MSF)
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Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation Executive Director Associate Dean for Medical Alumni Affairs Barry J. Collins Associate Director Linda Weldon Executive Assistant Harsha Solanki Associate Director for Marketing and Communications Liz C. Taylor Director for Constituent Relations Sarah Brown Rothschild Associate Director for Constituent Relations Ashley Vevoda Constituent Relations Associate Andrea Wasiewski Constituent Relations Assistant Iris Hosey Luck Vitals Managing Editor Liz C. Taylor Contributors Josh Barney, Eric Swensen, David Hendrick, Linda Kobert, Brian Murphy, UVA Health System Marketing Photography Jackson Smith, Sarah Brown Rothschild, Ashley Vevoda, Barry Collins, Liz C. Taylor, Coe Sweet, UVA Health System Marketing Cover Jackson Smith Volunteer Editor Leah Gibbs Design © Anne Hilton, Anne Hilton Design Vitals is produced twice annually, in the spring and fall, by the University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation. Deadline for submissions for the Fall 2015 issue is August 14, 2015. The MAA/MSF reserves the right to edit all submissions for length and content. Please send submissions and other correspondence to: Managing Editor Vitals University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation PO Box 800776 Health System Charlottesville, VA 22908-0776 434-924-1734 medalum @ ©2015 University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association Medical School Foundation On the Cover Patient Judy Powell with Michael Ragosta, MD, medical director for interventional cardiology at the UVA Heart Center Photo by Jackson Smith fromthedean L ast fall, Dr. Richard shannon, Executive Vice President for Health affairs, be- stowed upon me a tremendous honor when he appointed me as interim school of Medicine Dean. it is also humbling to follow someone as inspirational as Dr. Dunlap and be asked to continue the important work she began. We are anticipating that the new Dean search, co-chaired by Karen Johnston, MD, and Gary Owens, PhD, will be completed by this summer. Until then, my focus will be on the implementation of the academic strategic plan—which will strengthen our research and education programs, and further our align- ment with clinical safety initiatives—and on responding to feedback from the liaison Committee on Medical Education's (lCME) report from last fall's site visit. Regarding the lCME, i am delighted to inform you that we have been awarded continued accreditation for the longest term available, an eight-year term. the survey team's report was very positive—a testament to faculty dedication in creating a rich edu- cational program for our students. in particu- lar, the lCME praised our comprehensive financial-aid (which, in a large part, is from alumni support) and debt-management coun- seling program as well as the pay-for-teaching program, which reinforces faculty commit- ment. the lCME did note opportunities for improvement in the school's bylaws and governance structure, which we will address in the ensuing months. as you well know, the UVa school of Medicine is a singular place. Every day i come to work i find myself amazed by my colleagues' compassionate care for our patients, dedication to our students, and bril- liance in the lab. Examples of this excellence can be found in this issue in the profile of a patient who was evaluated by interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery, resulting in the right care at the right time. also, our re- searchers are making great strides in the fight against breast cancer with several innovative research projects you'll want to read about. it was wonderful seeing so many of you at the 49th annual Meeting in February. Events like these are a great reminder that our alumni are the best around. Because of you, the UVa Medical alumni association and Medical school Foundation contributed $1.6 million last year to the school of Medicine in the form of scholarship, research, and other endowment and capital initiatives. You can see the impact of this support in the back of this issue. thank you for your continued interest in the school of Medicine, our faculty, our students and our research. We value greatly your involvement and support! R.J. Canterbury, MD, Ms, DlFaPa interim Dean Wilford W. spradlin Professor UVa school of Medicine Every day I come to work I find myself amazed by my colleagues' compassionate care for our patients, dedication to our students, and brilliance in the lab.