Medical Alumni
Association and
Medical School
Executive Director
Associate Dean for Medical Alumni Affairs
Barry J. Collins
Associate Director
Linda Weldon
Director of Accounting & Financial Services
Allen R. Archer, CPA
Associate Director for Marketing and
Liz C. Taylor
Director for Constituent Relations
Sarah Brown Rothschild
Associate Director for Constituent Relations
Ashley Vevoda
Constituent Relations Associate
Andrea Wasiewski
Constituent Relations Assistant
Iris Luck
Executive Assistant
Harsha Solanki
Managing Editor
Liz C. Taylor
Josh Barney, Erick Williamson, Linda J. Kobert,
Brian Murphy, UVA Health System Marketing
Jackson Smith, Kay Taylor, Liz C. Taylor, Coe
Sweet, UVA Health System Strategic Relations
and Marketing
Jackson Smith
Volunteer Editor
Leah Gibbs
© Anne Hilton, Anne Hilton Design
Vitals is produced twice annually, in the
spring and fall, by the University of Virginia
Medical Alumni Association and Medical
School Foundation.
Deadline for submissions for the Spring 2015
issue is February 16, 2015. The MAA/MSF
reserves the right to edit all submissions for
length and content. Please send submissions
and other correspondence to:
Managing Editor
University of Virginia Medical Alumni
Association and Medical School Foundation
PO Box 800776 Health System
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0776
University of Virginia
Medical Alumni Association
Medical School Foundation
On the Cover
Penny Holmes (left) with her daughter Isabel
at the Battle Building at UVA Children's Hospital.
Photo by Jackson Smith
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