A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e U VA M e d i c a l A l u m n i As s o c i a t i o n a n d M e d i c a l S c h o o l Fo u n d a t i o n
3 From the Dean
4 Grand Rounds
News & Notes in:
Quality Care
13 Faculty & staff
26 alum Q&a
a. Ursulla Courtney, MD '97
27 alum News & Notes
29 Housestaff spotlight
adam Martin, MD '10
30 student Perspective
32 support the Maa
ConCuSSion diSCuSSion
BisC Contributes to the Conversation
With increased awareness and discussion
of mild to moderate brain injury,
especially sports-related injuries, the UVa
Health system is adding to the dialogue
with the newly organized Brain injury and
sports Concussion institute. BisC leads
the way in creating new understanding
about the pathophysiology, diagnosis and
treatment of traumatic brain injury, and
understanding that will help prevent long-
term consequences.
By Linda Kobert
Hope For HigH riSk HeArtS
scott lim, MD and the MitraClip
last year, Frank spacek became so short
of breath he couldn't walk three steps.
He has lived with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease for 25 years, but it
was never this bad before. When doctors
discussed treatment options, they had
little to offer. the medication they'd been
giving him wasn't working and, because
of his age and frail health, open heart
surgery was out of the question.
By Linda Kobert
The Brain Injury and Sports Concussion (BISC) Institute at the UVA Health
System brings together a winning team of experts in one clinic to serve
patients with concussion and mild traumatic brain injury. Left to right:
Michael Jaffee, MD; Donna Broshek, MD, (Neuropsychology); Kristen
Heinan, MD (Pediatric Neurology); Heather Asthagiri, MD (Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation); Jeffrey Barth, MD (Neuropsychology)
1 Vitals Spring 2014