Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - April 17, 2022

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58 // VARSITY April 17, 2014 BY DIANE NORDSTROM @BADGERVBALL Badgers halfway through valuable spring season UW continues to improve in offseason I t's hard not to rest on your laurels after finishing sec- ond at the 2013 NCAA Championship, but that is ex- actly what the Badgers are try- ing not to do this spring. "We had a great year but we didn't accomplish what we wanted to," said head coach Kelly Sheffield on last season. "We want to be a team that is winning championships. We want to do that year in and year out." The Badgers have been working hard this spring to improve and continue their quest for a Big Ten Conference and national championship. With the loss of only one play- er, starting libero Annemarie Hickey, Wisconsin has all of the building blocks to have an even more impressive 2014. PLAYERS HONORED AT BUCKINGHAMS ● Four members of the volleyball team were honored at the 2014 Bucking- hams, UW's Academy Awards-style ceremony recognizing the top achieve- ments in academics. Crystal Graff was named the team's Athletic Board Scholar for having the highest grade-point average. The Madison native was also the team's nominee for Student-Athlete of the Year. Deme Morales received a Perfor- mance Award for her academic work and constant improvement. Individu- als for this award are nominated by their academic advisors and learning specialists. Julie Mikaelsen received the Impact Award for having the most communi- ty service hours on the team. Dominique Thompson was an Un- sung Hero nominee for displaying hard work, a positive attitude and de- termination on the court, in the class- room and in the community. In addition, four Badgers were hon- ored by having a 3.5 GPA for their ca- reers or at least one semester ― Graff, Lauren Carlini, Victoria Ito and Claire Raddatz. Former players Mary Ording and Bailey Reshel, who are complet- ing their degrees this year, were also recognized. INSIDE VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE LAST TIME OUT April 2 at Marquette NTS April 6 Minnesota W, 2-1 COMING UP Wed. Marquette 6:30 p.m. April 26 at Minnesota Spring All Day Invitational, Minneapolis Junior Deme Morales hammers a ball past an opponent blocker.

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