Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - December 19, 2013

Varsity is the free Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics, covering Badgers football, basketball, hockey and more each week.

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really great about our partnership with the athletic department." John Flad, chair of the American Family Children's Hospital board, refers to the visit from the UW Football players as nothing short of miraculous. "At the American Family Children's Hospital we're fond of saying that 'miracles happen every day,' and that is not cliché," Flad said. "We're referring, of course, to the great work the doctors, nurses and staff do with our critically-ill kids. But there is another miracle that happens at the children's hospital every Friday before Badger football home games. That's the day the Badgers come and visit our kids. The visits from the Badgers truly lifts their spirits and puts a welcome smile on their faces. "Candidly, it's just what the doctor ordered." The football team is not the only UW program that visits the hospital; it's a department-wide affair. Last year, 14 different teams visited the hospital a total of 34 times. "I definitely cherish being able to help the community and kids in any way possible," said men's basketball player Duje Dukan. "But to be able to go to the children's hospital and see some kids smile simply because we stopped by was an indescribable "THEY MAKE THE CHILDREN FEEL SPECIAL AND THAT LASTS SO MUCH LONGER THAN THE ACTUAL VISIT" AHOLA SAID. "IT'S AN EXCITING, POSITIVE THING THAT REALLY HELPS TO PROMOTE A SENSE OF HEALING AND WELL-BEING FOR THE KIDS." feeling." Nurse manager Laura Ahola can see the impact of the student-athlete visits on her patients long after the group has returned to the stadium. "They make the children feel special and that lasts so much longer than the actual visit," Ahola said. "When I go into patients' rooms they'll say, `Did you see my picture?', `Did you see that so-andso was here and they signed my shirt?' It's an exciting, positive thing that really helps to promote a sense of healing and well-being for the kids."

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