Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - November 28, 2013

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face. At the same time, we work hard. "He has set a great example for me. With him and Montee going through the whole draft process last year, I'm sure they can give me advice ― things to do and not to do. They'll be a great help." White is 5-foot-10, 195 pounds. Bernard is 5-9, 207. In the short time that he has been with the Bengals, he has shown his versatility. Bernard has 105 rushes for 464 yards and 42 catches for 345 yards. White has exhibited the same versatility as an all-purpose college running back. "The biggest thing is to know your abilities and what you can do and really thrive on," Bernard said. "There are going to be a lot of ups and downs in terms of emotions (getting ready for the draft). "With the media and all the speculation, it plays a role. But if you can stay away from it and just be true to yourself ― again, know what your abilities are ― everything else will take care of itself. "There will be an opportunity in the NFL somewhere for James. He's a guy who will do anything for the team; he will do anything a coach asks him to do. There aren't many guys out there like him." • • • • ames White admitted that he struggled at times during his sophomore year at Wisconsin. After being named the Big Ten Freshman of the Year, he took a back seat to Montee Ball. "It was a little difficult for me," he said. "I was competing for the starting job and I didn't win it. Montee ended up having a breakout year and he took a little playing time from me. "It was hard for me at first. But, at the same time, I matured a little bit. You have to know your role on the team and I just accepted that role and played to the best of my abilities. "When you're young, you're thinking, 'Why am J "There will be an opportunity in the NFL somewhere for James," Bernard said. "He's a guy who will do anything for the team; he will do anything a coach asks him to do. There aren't many guys out there like him." WATCH: BADGER BREAKDOWN - PENN STATE 29

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