When we set out to form this bank in 1973, sustainability may not have
been the buzz word it is today, but it was as fundamental a part of our
business plan then, as it is now. No organization can last 50-plus years
without it. To stay in business and serve our customers, we are
continually adopting new systems and changing the ways we deliver.
These transformations have sometimes been long and arduous, but the
end results have nearly always made us better and more ecient. I am
pleased to see the strides being made in our processes that are
resulting in less energy usage, less paper waste, and less water
consumption. As the saying goes, "It ain't easy being green."
Likewise, I am impressed by the many nonprot organizations that
strive to support environmental causes throughout our state. Their
tireless eorts are obviously important to our customers as well. As you
will read in these pages, the ENVIRONMENT Loyalty Debit Card remains
our second most popular among the seven cards we oer.
I am especially proud of our employees and their volunteerism.
Underlying all the technology and mechanization that makes our bank
run, it all comes down to the types of individuals we hire. Our people
truly care and want to make a dierence. Taking care of people has
been and will always be our sustaining value.
J. Robert Young, Chairman