Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - August 8, 2013

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gaining confidence, we're believing in each other and believing that about anything is possible.'' It's consistent with his "Let's shoot for the moon and see what happens'' approach. "I've never understood coaches when they've tried to undersell (their teams),'' he said. "I don't believe in that.'' When asked to identify one or two players that must have good seasons in order for Wisconsin to have a good season, Sheffield was unwilling to get too specific. "It's time for everybody to take their game to the next level,'' he stressed. "We finished tied for ninth (in the Big Ten), so every returning player has to raise their game if you want something else. "We've got some talented freshmen that have the ability to start for us right away,'' he reiterated. "If they're not raising their game, they're not going to play.'' Nobody carries a higher profile than freshman Lauren Carlini, the national Gatorade Player of the Year. Carlini was invited to last month's ESPYs, where she sat in the fifth row and mingled with superstars. "She came into the office the other day,'' Sheffield recounted, "and she says, 'I thought was pretty good but being in that room with all those people I realize how far I have to go.' "I like that perspective. She's going to get a lot of pub and why not? But there's a lot of talent here. There are some players that people are going to be really, really impressed with. "It's not going to be the Lauren Carlini show,'' Sheffield insisted. "We've got a few kids on this team who are capable of being All-American-type players.'' See for yourself. That would be Sheffield's message to Badgers fans. "Get excited, come out, we need your support,'' he said. "We have had an unbelievable fan base over the years, but we've lost some of it. Give us a chance, come back. "Our team really wants people to be energized again. We all want that Field House to be the toughest place in college volleyball to play in. Come back and help us.'' Help them earn the right to win. "Our team really wants people to be energized again," Sheffield said. "We all want that Field House to be the toughest place in college volleyball to play in. Come back and help us.'' 43

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