Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - August 8, 2013

Varsity is the free Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics, covering Badgers football, basketball, hockey and more each week.

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THIS WEEK IN BADGER HISTORY WATCH: RUSSELL WILSON'S NFL DEBUT AUGUST 11, 2012 In two years, QB Russell Wilson went from being the new kid on the block at Wisconsin to taking the NFL by storm. In August 2011, an ESPN film crew documented his every move during fall camp for a one-hour special titled "ESPN Depth Chart - Wisconsin." A year later, Wilson made his NFL debut in the Seattle Seahawks preseason opener at home vs. the Tennessee Titans. He quickly endeared himself to the home fans, playing the entire second half and completing 12-of-16 passes for 124 yards and a touchdown. Wilson also ran the ball three times for 59 yards and another score. Wilson continued to impress the following week against Denver and was named the Seahawks' starter before their third preseason game against the Kansas City Chiefs. Wilson led Seattle to scores on all five of its first-half possessions against the Chiefs, accounting for 243 total yards and two TDs and setting the stage for his remarkable rookie season. 52 // VARSITY August 8, 2013 VARSITY LOOK BACK Wilson made his first cover appearance in our August 23, 2011 issue. ‹ Read it here

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