UVA School of Medicine

Vitals Spring 2013

University of Virginia School of Medicine Vitals magazine published by the UVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation (MAA MSF)

Issue link: https://catalog.e-digitaleditions.com/i/123290

Contents of this Issue


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Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation S tay C o n n e c t e d Your UVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation Online UVAMedAlum.org Whether you're a student, alumni, current or former housestaff, or faculty member, there is something for you at UVAMedAlum. org. Keep up-to-date on what's happening with our events calendar, and get the latest news from the School of Medicine and UVA Health Systems. Plus, our site is mobile-optimized so you can get the news you need on the go. Twitter.com/uvamedalum Follow us for news about the UVA School of Medicine, alumni and faculty achievements, medical discoveries and more. UVAMedAlum.org/LinkedIn Join the University of Virginia Medical Alumni group on LinkedIn for professional networking with colleagues from the UVA School of Medicine. Our group is growing larger every day. This means more meaningful connections in a secure, private group available only to UVA School of Medicine alumni and housestaff. Facebook.com/UVAMedAlum Be sure to "like" the UVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation on Facebook. This is a great place to connect socially with classmates and network with fellow medical alumni. Plus, we'll keep you in the loop on the latest news from the School of Medicine, as well as our upcoming events. Executive Director Associate Dean for Medical Alumni Affairs Barry J. Collins Associate Director Linda Weldon Associate Director for Marketing and Communications Liz C. Taylor Associate Director for Constituent Relations Kristin Roth Associate Director for Constituent Relations Heather McCoy Director of Accounting & Financial Services Allen R. Archer, CPA Constituent Relations Associate Andrea Wasiewski Executive Assistant Harsha Solanki Vitals Managing Editor Liz C. Taylor Contributors Josh Barney, Linda J. Kobert, Heather McCoy, Kristin Roth, Eric Swensen, UVA Health System Development, UVA Health System Marketing Photography Rob Gardner, Anne Hilton, Heather McCoy, Kristin Roth, Jackson Smith, Kay Taylor, Liz Taylor, William Walker, UVA Health System Marketing Cover Jackson Smith Volunteer Editor Leah Settle Gibbs Design © Anne Hilton, Anne Hilton Design Vitals is produced twice annually, in the Spring and Fall, by the University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation. Deadline for submissions for the Fall 2013 issue is August 15, 2013. The MAA/MSF reserves the right to edit all submissions for length and content. Please send submissions and other correspondence to: Managing Editor Vitals UVA Medical Alumni Association and Medical School Foundation PO Box 800776 Health System Charlottesville, VA 22908-0776 434-924-1734 medalum@virginia.edu www.uvamedalum.org ©2013 University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association On the Cover First year medical students participate in a Team- Based Learning Session on February 12, 2013. Photo by Jackson Smith

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