Pac-12 Conference

2012-13 Mens Basketball Media Guide

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Second Round MARCH 21-22 Third Round MARCH 23-24 Regional Semifinals MARCH 28-29 Regional Finals MARCH 30-31 National Semifinals APRIL 6 FILL OUT YOUR BRACKET NATIONAL BRACKET DAY MARCH 18 16 16 16 1 9 8 12 5 13 4 11 6 14 3 10 7 15 2 16 1 9 8 12 5 13 4 11 6 14 3 10 7 15 2 Watch the tournament on these networks or online at NCAA.COM/MARCHMADNESS Championship APRIL 8 National Final FourĀ® ATLANTA APRIL 6 AND 8 16 16 First Four First Round* MARCH 19-20 Watch On DAYTON National Semifinals APRIL 6 Regional Finals MARCH 30-31 Regional Semifinals MARCH 28-29 Third Round MARCH 23-24 Second Round MARCH 21-22 TBD TBD TBD TBD 16 1 9 8 12 5 13 4 11 6 14 3 10 7 15 2 16 1 9 8 12 5 13 4 11 6 14 3 ***ALL TIMES EASTERN*** *On March 17, the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Committee will select eight teams to play the first-round games on March 19 and 20 in Dayton. The four winning teams will advance to a second-round site to be determined by the committee during selection weekend. Second- and third-round and regional sites will be placed in the bracket by the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Committee March 17. March 21 and 23 second-/third-round sites: Auburn Hills, Lexington, Salt Lake City, San Jose. March 22 and 24 second-/third-round sites: Austin, Dayton, Kansas City, Philadelphia. March 28 and 30 regional sites: Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. March 29 and 31 regional sites: North Texas, Indianapolis. 10 7 15 2

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