Rush Digital Newsletter

Rush Digital Newsletter Winter 2014

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PAGE 1 WINTER 2014 WINTER 2014 | VOLUME 28 The L a r ge s t You t h S occe r C lub in t he Wor ld In 2004, we started a program called R.E.A.C.H. - Rush Equipment Assis ng Children. Simply put we collect soccer equipment and send it to communi es, teams, and clubs in need. We have invested tens of thousands of dollars into this program only to see our R.O.I. (return on investment), at nothing, zero, doughnut, goose egg. R.O.I. is a per- formance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment. To calculate R.O.I., Tim Schultz the benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the cost of making that investment. In the business world this is clearly a poor investment that would be indefinitely voted down and the likely result in the decision makers losing their jobs. Yes a bad financial investment. R.E.A.CH. grew and grew and took on new life, in fact, the partner clubs voted to incen vize our membership by awarding $20.00 cash towards anyone turning in their used uniform at the same me when they buy the new Rush approved uniform. What a deal! The Rush Budget now emphasizes the R.E.A.C.H. line item by bolding, underlining and highligh ng. The program has no financial value. Instead it brings hope, happiness and unity to our partner clubs (and some non-Rush, non-profit charitable organiza ons too). The program exemplifies some or our core values: empathy, leadership, accountability, to name a few. We have a full me employee dedicated to R.E.A.C.H. opera ons. We have 29 clubs which we consider our humanitarian clubs or United Na on Clubs. Thousands of lives are affected. The giver and the receiver are spending enormous amounts of me and resources to par cipate in one of Rushes most grandiose programs… all with zero financial reward. We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. – Winston Churchill We were designed to help those who are a li le less fortunate then us. To help those that cannot help themselves. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT T H E D I G ITA L N E W S L E T T E R F O R R U S H S O C C E R M E M b E R S A N D A F F I L I AT E S | R U S H S O C C E R . C O M

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