Varsity - The Official Digital Magazine of Wisconsin Athletics

Varsity - April 17, 2022

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66 // VARSITY April 17, 2014 A new season finally arrives as UW hits the road Split squad heads to California, Lake Mendota W hen the Wisconsin men's rowing team races this Friday and Saturday, it will begin a month and a half sprint to the national championships that take place in West Windsor, N.J., May 30- June 1. That sprint starts with a bang as 13th-ranked Wiscon- sin opens with second-ranked California at the Stanford In- vite Friday evening in Red- wood Shores, Calif. UW will send its varsity eight, second varsity eight and freshmen eight boats for the race. The same boats will race again on Saturday against No. 12 Stan- ford and No. 18 Oregon State. While UW's top boats are out in California, the Badgers' remaining crews will race for the only time this season at home on Lake Mendota, taking on Min- nesota and Milwaukee School of Engi- neering. All of the racing is a welcome sight for the Badgers. "Our lake opened up on Sunday so we are now back at it," head coach Chris Clark said. "The last two years have been unusual in my experience with such a late thaw. We've missed our Michigan Dual which is a great way to begin com- petition. So, more than ever, we really look forward to the Stanford Invite as a total immersion into race intensity. Of all the crews there, we are the only one that races the three other teams besides our- selves in the top 20. No matter how much you prepare for it and train to it, racing is racing and there is no substitute. I expect a lot of wobbly-legged guys after Cal on Friday afternoon. They are going to dig deep in a way they haven't in a long time and better late than never." QUITE A PAIR ● He is new to Badger rowing, but James Lueken is rare in that he is a fresh- man who has already raced with the best Wisconsin has to offer. He sat seven seat in UW's entry in the cham- pionship eight at last fall's Head of the Charles. He is the twin brother of Sarah, who is a frosh on the women's rowing team, and comes from a stel- lar gene pool as the son of Jeff Lueken, who played defensive end in football at Notre Dame. SCHEDULE COMING UP - STANFORD INVITATIONAL Friday vs. #2 California 7:30 p.m. Saturday vs. #12 Stanford 11:10 a.m. Saturday vs. #18 Oregon St. 4 p.m. Saturday Minnesota/MSOE 8. a.m. May 3 at BU/MIT 9 a.m. INSIDE MEN'S ROWING BY PAUL CAPOBIANCO @BADGERROWING

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